'NEC'에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2009.09.26 INTERRUPT를 이용한 NEC 리모콘 수신제어
/* Project :
/* CPU : PIC16F676
/* Compiler: HI-TECH
/* 2008. 10. xx
/* written by nooriry
#include <pic.h>
unsigned char Custom_code_upper, Custom_code_lower;
unsigned char Data_code_upper, Data_code_lower;
unsigned char Code;
unsigned char Power_flag;
unsigned char signal_in;
unsigned char ratio;
#define IR_in RA2 // remocon input
#define Pw_bt RA3 // 프론트의 버튼입력
#define LED RC2 // for test
#define Debug RC3 // for test
#define Pw_1000CT RC5 // main B/D 전원 제어
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define Nec_code 1
#define NG_code 0
void delay_time( unsigned int
unsigned int i;
for( i=0; i <
unsigned char Check_header( void )
while( ( IR_in == 0 ) && ( ratio < 107 ) );
// HIGH가 되거나 11ms 이하만 대기, high 까지의 TMR0를 가지고 아래로 이동
if( ( ratio > 78 ) && ( ratio < 98 ) )
// 9ms LOW로 NEC Signal start를 확인 (8ms~10ms)
ratio = 0;
while( ( IR_in == 1 ) && ( ratio < 59 ) );
// LOW가 되거나 6ms 이하만 대기
if( ( ratio > 0 ) && ( ratio < 54 ) )
// 4.5ms HIGH로 NEC Signal을 확인 (3.5ms~5.5ms)
ratio = 0;
return Nec_code;
// 9ms LOW로 NEC format임을 확인
ratio = 0;
return NG_code;
ratio = 0;
return NG_code;
void Code_record( void )
unsigned char code_bit, code_position;
while( ( IR_in == 0 ) && ( ratio < 29 ) );
// HIGH가 시작 되거나 3ms 이하만 대기
ratio = 0; // timer reset
for( code_position=0; code_position<4; code_position++ )
// 여기부터 high 구간만 계산한다.
for( code_bit=0; code_bit<8; code_bit++ ) // 8bit LSB
while( ( IR_in == 1 ) && ( ratio < 29 ) );
// low가 시작 될 때 까지 대기
if( ( ratio >= 4 ) && ( ratio <= 6 ) )
// target is 0.565ms (0.45 ~ 0.65ms)
Code <<= 1;
Code &= 0b11111110;
else if( ( ratio >= 15 ) && ( ratio <= 17 ) )
// target is 1.68ms (1.55 ~1.75ms)
Code <<= 1;
Code |= 0b00000001;
while( ( IR_in == 0 ) && ( ratio < 29 ) );
// HIGH가 시작 되거나 3ms 이하만 대기
ratio = 0; // timer reset
switch( code_position )
case 0: Custom_code_upper = Code;
case 1: Custom_code_lower = Code;
case 2: Data_code_upper = Code;
case 3: Data_code_lower = Code;
void Pwr_ctrl ( void )
if( ( Custom_code_upper== 0x10 ) && ( Custom_code_lower== 0xEF ) &&
( Data_code_upper== 0x08 ) && (Data_code_lower== 0xF7 ) )
if( Power_flag == 0 )
Pw_1000CT= ON;
Power_flag = 1;
else if( Power_flag == 1)
Pw_1000CT= OFF;
Power_flag = 0;
void System_initialize( void )
ANSEL = 0b00000000; // analog pin -> digital pin
//OPTION = 0b00000111;
// Global PORTA pull up enable, falling edge int, prescaler(1:256)
OPTION = 0b00000000;
//Global PORTA pull up enable, falling edge int, prescaler(
// prescaler : Fosc/4 * 2 = 0.4us
// : 0.4us * 256 = 0.1024ms (1 ratio)
INTCON = 0b00000000;
// Disable global int, RA2/INT and clear TMR0 flag, RA2/INT flag
// Port A
TRISA2 = 1; // RA2 is input
//TRISA3 = 1; // RA3 is input
WPUA = 0b11111111; // enable pull up
// Port C
TRISC2 = 0; // RC2 is output
TRISC3 = 0; // RC3 is output
TRISC5 = 0; // RC5 is output
void main(void)
Power_flag = 0;
signal_in = 0;
Pw_1000CT = OFF; // B/D initial status
INTE = 1; // enable RA2/INT int
GIE = 1; // enable global int
T0IE = 1; // enable TMR0 overflow interrupt
ratio = 0;
if( Check_header() == Nec_code )
delay_time( 5000 );
Code = 0x00;
Custom_code_upper = 0x00;
Custom_code_lower = 0x00;
Data_code_upper = 0x00;
Data_code_lower = 0x00;
signal_in = 0;
void interrupt isr_event(void)
T0IF = 0;
signal_in = 1;
INTF = 0; // must be cleared before re-enabling
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